Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Employee Parking Only: Brittany Whiteside


- Name: Brittany Whiteside

- Store Location: Home Office

- Position: Accessory and Hat Buyer, Runner, Order Entry, Defectives, Special Orders, Email Answerer, Shipper, you know those things!! LOL!

- Birthday: Dec 13

- Hometown: Morristown, TN

- Alma Mater: The University of Louisville

1. What is your favorite sport?
Definitely college football!! If I could come back as a different person I would be a college football player, and specifically the one that leads the team in the get pump cheer before the game!!

2. Who is your favorite college athlete?
I don't really have one!!

3. If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?
A giraffe! They are so tall and slender!! LOL! Besides they run in the wild in Africa, so that has to be somewhat fun! You never really hear about those being hunted!! At least I don't think so...

4. What are your favorite 2 for 20 tees?
Well that is easy!! The flashy glitter arch tee!! LOL! I would be lying of I told you I could remember them all!! So I chose this one bc it is a crowd favorite no matter the school, flashy, but still simple. You can dress it up or dress it down!!

5. Favorite college rivalry?
Well, before college definitely TN vs FL. Then in college, definitely UofL vs KY, and now that I am with Alumni Hall, whoever is going to make us the most $!!

6. Any t.v. shows you can't live without?
Not really...I am not a big TV person. I kind of watch whatever is on during that season.

7. What is something you do before going out for a night on the town?
HAHAH!! Well...I am a sucker for the camera!! Don't ever let me see yours...lol!! So yes, pics before. Depending on the event I will most likely have a glass of wine, but if I need energy maybe a mixed drink. Then...lastly I pray, pray, pray that I don't get sleepy while I am there!! LOL! I am getting old! Partying is not the same for me anymore!!

8. What's your favorite meal to eat from the food court?
Yes! There's this place called Charleys!! I just discovered it!! They have chicken philly with cheese and seasoned fries!! Thebomb.com!!

9. Do you have a favorite college tradition?
Every year my best friends, sorority sisters, and old college buddies meet back for the KY Derby! It takes me until that time next year to re-cooperate and get ready for it again!

10. What is your favorite memory while working at Alumni Hall?
Def Jeff and Amy's remarks at Christmas dinner. I love my job and work extra hard to make sure we are at our best! It's at this time that I know it was all worth while!! Corny...scratch that!! It was when Jeff fell over a big J America box in our lobby, and rolled into the Christmas tree!!! LOLOL!!!


Brittany is part of our home office team that is responsible for providing the perfect apparel for the ultimate college fan! For more information about Alumni Hall, our brand and our stores, visit Alumnihall.com.

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